Museo Magazine interview with Miriam Katz

miriam and i speak in my studio before COMPANY has opened- maybe like october 2007? (miriam, what's the date?). we mistakenly decide after 3 hours that her new digital recorder erased our conversation, so another 3 hours later we're complete! this interview, appearing in museo magazine's march 08 issue is an edited down record of those 6 magical hours. the accompmanying photograph of our fake smoking break with wooden cigarettes was captured between our two interview segments.



Pirate Cat Radio interview with Christine Wolfe of UNWETTER

on a recent trip to berlin, christine and i spend a january 08 morning drinking tea and chatting in front of her bulbous microphone while watching the s-bahn and the new hideous mural painted on a wall outside april's flat. the interview, culminating in a tribute to julia butterfly hill, later aired on san francisco based pirate radio station, pirate cat radio.


Flash Art Online interview with Michela Arfiero

it's late march 08, and michela's squeezing in our visit before she returns to milan the following day. i show her my ptah figurine, and tell her how i came to him by accident. you can see his little body in one of the last photographs on the page- he's silhouetted. i never realized, but these interview photos really seem to be taking on a nasal theme...